Show them all! New Zealand's World Heritage Sites

A blend of beautiful nature and historic culture, Tongariro National Park is a must-visit tourist attraction in New Zealand! 1. Milford Sound

Milford Sound located in Fiordland National Park. It is registered as a World Heritage Site as part of "Te Wahipounamu Southwestern New Zealand".

There are 13 fjords (complex shaped coves carved by glaciers) in the park, but Milford Sound is said to be the most beautiful. The unique terrain formed over many years, the steep quays, and the spectacular waterfalls with a height of 150m create magnificent scenery and continue to attract many tourists.

One of the attractions is that you can observe not only the scenery but also various creatures such as seals, penguins, and the rarest black coral in the world. Also, don't miss the Milford truck, which is popular with climbers around the world.

Milford Sound, which shows different beauty not only in fine weather but also in any weather, is one of the World Heritage Sites that you should definitely visit.

2. Doubtful Sound

Like Milford Sound, Doubtful Sound is a World Heritage Site. It has a vast area about 10 times that of Milford Sound, and is characterized by its untouched wilderness and various wild animals.

The steep and towering mountains and the intricately intricate fjords are very beautiful, and have a charm that is a bit different from Milford Sound.

The premises are habitats for dolphins and penguins, and I'm glad that you can see them in the wild with a high probability. You can enjoy a real side of the animals, which is different from the zoo.

Doubtful Sound, which has a larger and more mysterious world than Milford Sound, is perfect for those who want to enjoy wild and magnificent scenery.

3. Mount Cook

Mount Cook, New Zealand's highest peak, is located in a corner of a World Heritage-listed national park and stands out in the Southern Alps. It is worshiped by the Maori people as Aoraki (a mountain that penetrates the snow), and is surrounded by a magnificent and solemn atmosphere.

The scenery where the powerful appearance of the glacier-covered mountains and the lovely appearance of the colorfully blooming alpine plants are in perfect harmony is truly spectacular. There are many hiking trails in the park, and you can enjoy a walk while watching the scenery of nature.

Mount Cook changes its appearance with the movement of the sun, but it is especially recommended at dusk. The appearance of the snow on the mountaintop being dyed red is so beautiful that it cannot be imagined in this world.

As a World Heritage Site representing New Zealand, it is one of the places you definitely want to keep.

4. Tongariro National Park

Designated as New Zealand's first national park, Tongariro National Park is one of the few World Complex Heritage sites in the world and is recognized for its high natural and cultural value.

The three active volcanoes located in the park are still active. You can feel the breath of the earth, such as the violent eruption and the lava flow traces. In addition, it is blessed with an emerald blue crater lake, hot springs that boil around the volcano, a lush grassland landscape, and a rich natural environment.

This place, which has been worshiped as a sacred place by the Maori people, has a strong roots in Maori's unique culture, and you can also experience the connection. It is also famous as a paradise for wild animals, which is home to many rare endemic species, including Kiwi, the national bird of New Zealand.

A blend of beautiful nature and historic culture, Tongariro National Park is a must-visit tourist attraction in New Zealand!

Why don't you visit the heritage that fascinates the world?
Many of New Zealand's World Heritage Sites have been recognized for their natural landscape value, and you can experience the scenery that is said to be superb.

The sheer mountains, the lakes that shine in special colors, the grasslands that spread all over, and the wild animals that live lively, all of the places are full of charm no matter where you cut them.

It is also attractive to enjoy various activities such as hiking and cruises in the surrounding area. Experience-based tourism that goes beyond just seeing makes New Zealand's World Heritage Site even more spectacular.

Please refer to this article and visit the World Heritage Sites that continue to captivate tourists all over the world.
