Utilize freezing seasoning! Beef luxury pancake

For 2-3 people

Frozen "Beef Chinese garlic flavor" * ・ ・ Half amount of
shishito pepper ・ ・ 10
onions ・ ・ 1/5
carrots ・ ・ 30g
thread pepper (if any) ・ ・ Slightly
Eggs ... 1
water ... 80ml
flour ... 60g
sardines ... 2 tablespoons
Salty soy sauce ... 2 teaspoons
vinegar ... 1 teaspoon
chili oil ... a little
Place the frozen "beef Chinese garlic flavor" in the refrigerator and thaw it.
Shishito pepper removes the calyx. Cut onions into thin slices, carrots into thin slices, and "beef Chinese garlic flavor" into small slices.
Put A in a bowl in order and mix evenly with a whisk.
Put (1) in (2) and mix well.
Spread "Cookpar ® frying pan foil" on the hot plate and preheat it. When the plate is warm, spread (3) in two and sprinkle with thread and red pepper. Bake until both sides are crispy.
After baking, cut it into pieces that are easy to eat, and add the sauce with B.
